
Find links to useful resources, online and offline, produced by great people and organisations here.

I hope you find them interesting and helpful.

Any questions – please do get in touch!


Content strategy for the web by Kristina Halvorson from Brain Traffic & Melissa Rach from Dialog Studios . This book is the go to for people who work in content strategy. 

Blog Posts

This “Little book of accessibility” by Gareth Ford Williams is amazing! Full of insights, lessons learned and how to’s. There is also a video to watch and posters to download along with links to further resources. 

Six workshops for all content designers to try by Rachel McConnell features different ways you can get your teams thinking about content and how you can foster good relationships.

11 key content design considerations by Erica Jorgensen has a clear list of what a content designer considers when doing their work. Erica says that…”Content design requires extensive knowledge of the mechanics of exceptional writing, from parts of speech to syntax to punctuation, and even poetic techniques. It also requires knowledge of linguistics, etymology, inclusive language, and psychology. It’s complex and challenging in the best way. But it’s not at all something that should be done quickly if you’re looking to create a stellar customer experience. 


4 Syllables is a great digital content specialist consultancy with fantastic online resources for all your writing, editing and accessibility needs.

NNgroup is a world leader in research based user experience. Their website has helpful articles, research reports and videos.

EConsultancy share their expertise in digital, strategy, marketing, social media and ecommerce via useful articles, research reports and webinars.